I headed out today with a list of ideas in my mind, a plan of attack, and of course the kids too (though I think they would have rather been left behind!) We even had Grandma and Grandpa there for a bit of extra help.
But, as these things generally go.....nothing went quite as planned. But it's done now and we can all take a deep breath, relax and be grateful that it's over. :)
And here they are.....all the Bailey kids....smiling on the outside.....counting the minutes till they are free on the inside.

I also spent a few minutes with each of the kids getting some individual shots. (A much easier and more enjoyable task)
Doug, 13 1/2

Jason, 12

Kiera, 8 (in 1 week anyohw)

William, 6 (also in a week)

Maddie, 4

Ginny, 19 months (and a mouth full of smarties)

Nope, not my kids. :) But gosh aren't they adorible anyhow!
meet my parents.......

These all came out great, even if they werent really into getting their pictures taken!!! I love the location!!! Love the willow tree (or whatever kind of tree that is!) Beautiful!
And here I thought you didn't get anything! These are wonderful pictures, and you even got Jason to smile...once.
Your children are beautiful and the group shot looks awesome!
What a beautiful family!
What great photos! You have a beautiful family.
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