Many family, friends and clients alike will say to me, "You must have so many wonderful pictures of your kids!" To this my reply would be, "Well, no, not quite." You see, I am blessed to have some amazing portraits of my children, but its the *so many* part that might be stretching it a bit. Don't get me wrong here, I LOVE to have portraits of my kids. I do find them to be some of the most perfectly beautiful humans on the planet. I mean, can you blaim me? They just don't love it quite as much as I do. I can't see why, but there is no reading the minds of children. They simply won't have it.
Okay, back to social networking via the worldwide web..... A couple days ago my 12 yr old son Jason aproached me with a request that just sang in my ears. "Mom, could you take a new picture of me for myyearbook?" I almost had him repeat it, but there was no time. I needed to act quickly before he changed his mind! So, outside we went into the gloom on a quite dreary Sunday evening to snap a few pictures.

Now to my utter joy and astonishment, he came back for more. Could this be? It was like a dream. It was the very next day that he was back. I tried to stifle my own overwhelming delight, really I did. This time we headed into the studio for something a little different.

Just call me selfless....I'm willing to be used in the name of myYearbook any day!
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